Grief #2 The podcast ~ Personal Development Unplugged
So in this issue of Personal Development Unplugged I discuss simple ways to help the negative emotion of grief and go a little way to explain it’s ok not to grieve.
“Not to grieve ~ surely we have to grieve? it’s disrespectful not grieve, isn’t it?” I hear some of you thinking.
You see to my mind grieving has a purpose of not forgetting someone or something we’ve lost or they have left us. And it always seems to hurt us, that negative void we experience which really only serves to allow us to remember sadly, depressingly and is painful. The pain will ease we’re told but never disappears – and that just stinks because it’s Bulls***! It may be something others say to you trying to be kind and helpful but it’s stillbulls*** because the pain can disappear completely and it really doesn’t have to take a long time. What would it be like to grieve and feel good at the same time? Now that’s something I would like you to explore with me because you can. Read on and then listen.
What about a concept where we can remember those we’ve lost in a warm, pleasant and loving way, remembering good times as if we were back there again and seeing, hearing and feeling the way we did – wouldn’t that be awesome!!
Although this podcast is only around 20 minutes long, which isn’t nearly enough time to dig in deep I have suggested once listened to you may wish to down load a copy of my eBook “It doesn’t have to be this way”. It’s my personal story of dealing with grief that did send me in a real downward spiral at the time. There’s also some hypnosis tracks which are also free with my compliments. If you miss the link here it is just put in your email address and you will receive the access ‘stuff’. I do not share emails EVER! and would love to hear your feedback.
You may also wish to search my blogs written at and search for grief and you will find some other simple ways to remember in a good way.
Please keep away from the trap that we have to hurt and it takes a long time to let go of the grief you’re suffering ~ it really is easy, simple and quick which is why I chose to create Personal Development Unplugged.
Any way enough of the writing and let’s get on with the listening and then the doing, there’s no knowledge without action so inspired action please ;0)
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