Bournemouth Hypnotherapy Clinic ~ Why I do what I do.
Paul Clough
Listening to You and understanding YOU, YOUR wants, YOUR needs
So why do I do this stuff?
I’m more than justa Master Hypnotherapist of Bournemouth specialising in quick and lasting change.
Why would someone highly experienced and respected in business say ‘no!’ to that life and completely change direction and dedicate his life to caring for people?
Because the answer to all the above must be PASSION! I have a passion for what Ido and we get our best buzz from life when I help someone change. Change like letting go of old ‘stuff’ like depression which has held them back for years, change like remembering how to see the world as a place of beauty and love, change like overcoming low self esteem such as “I’m not good enough, I don’t deserve what I want.”
There are few things in life that gives you that feeling and we get to experience that with our clients.
…and the best thing our passion is that its always growing.
So there you go – why we do what we do, from the heart, for you!
Hypnotherapy at The Bournemouth Hypnotherapy Clinic
Dream ~ Create ~ Excel