Working remotely and reduced session costs
This a copy of our sister clinic’s (now run by my son Luke) recent post and is also our stance here at Bournemouth Hypnotherapy Clinic
Whilst the Coronavirus is continuing to cause disruption to our everyday lives, it is important to keep on top of our mental health and not let ourselves spiral downwards. If you had an issue with alcohol or wanted to lose weight for example then now is the perfect time to make sure your problems don’t escalate. Whilst staying at home all day, it means it is much easier to have that drink earlier than you would or reach for the snack cupboard as you are bored.
Here at Cambridge Hypnotherapy we have adjusted our working ways so that we are still able to help you to achieve your goals and continue to grow. We are not seeing clients for face to face sessions, as it would be irresponsible for both yourselves and us. Keeping us all safe, and stopping the spread of Covid-19 has to be everyones priority. In order to do this we will be continuing to perform sessions, however they will be done remotely from the comfort and security of your own home via Zoom. This allows us the best possible chance of helping you make your changes whilst remaining safe.
We are also aware that many people are on a reduced income if there are staying at home, or unable to work and note that 80% of a wage seems to be the average for most people. We feel it is only fair to do the same for you, and will reduce all of our online sessions by 20% to match this. Here is a quick video I did for our facebook page which helps explain things.
If you would like to find out more about how we can help you right now, so that you don’t have to wait until this period ends then contact us here, or call us on 01202 428309 and we’ll be more than happy to arrange an appointment for you.
Stay safe,