Stopping the drinking habit in lockdown
If you, like so many of us, have found that overindulgence of alcohol, or anything else for that matter it’s important to know there is still help at hand.
Here of course! and If like many, you question does hypnosis work online?
here’s a recent text I received following only ONE online session
Hello Paul, fab to hear from you. This week has gone really well thank you. Had one beer all week and that was with my curry (it’s the law you have to have a beer with a curry 🤣) thank you so much for your help.
Remember it’s not just alcohol that we turn to in these ‘lockdown’ times we can excess in anything and if not checked is not going to get better when we return to whatever normal will be.
Consultations are complimentary here at Bournemouth Hypnotherapy Clinic so don’t put off finding out how I can help you. Simply fill in the contact page information and I’ll call you or email you whichever you prefer.