The Hidden Pandemic
For some reason, that I begin to share here, I have shied away from this hugely important subject of Loneliness. I have given myself reasons why I shouldn’t go here and yet I really know they are just excuses. I wonder if you have done the same?
So instead of just writing about this subject that I feel was here and growing before coronavirus and now is affecting so many more I wanted to make it a subject fo my podcast – The Personal Development Unplugged podcast.
And when I began I didn’t know how long the episode would be and as got into it time seemed to melt. So much so that it became a two-part project with probably more to come as listeners shared with me their thoughts and experiences with me.
If this is an issue affecting you please listen and if you feel the need for direct help simply get in touch via the contact page here at Bournemouth Hypnotherapy Clinic and I’ll call you.
In the meantime here are the links to the podcast. If you click on them they should take you there or if you are familiar with podcasts better still subscribe from your usual app:
Don’t leave it to deal with it later :O)